Monday, May 11, 2009

This week

Just thought I would write down my plans for the week.

  1. Laundry (I am swamped with laundry, it's everywhere and starting to take over the house!)
  2. Dinner at home every night. (that means planning ahead cause by dinner time I'm beat)
  3. Finish my room. (I have nothing hanging on the walls yet and new curtains to hang for summer and a quilt to finish too.)
  4. A quilt or two for other people...........
  5. Plant the flowers dug up from Anna's yard.
  6. Get my summer clothes out of storage and fix a few things.

Ok that sounds like a reasonable list considering I have the next four days off, I know I probably won't get half of the stuff done cause I get sidetracked to easy but maybe writing it down will help with motivation. to clean something!!!

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