Sunday, September 27, 2015

I'm tossing it

 I'm tossing this quilt. Gone, get, goodbye.  My son Brad trashed his Christmas quilt.
 I was being a good Mom and doing his laundry, well I was washing what was in the laundry room anyway.....after a wash and dry this is what I found.
 I love my son and I'm not going to kill him or anything but............
 Well this is why when I say I give a quilt away it's gone. Not mine and no matter how it's used it's not a reflection of the maker. So whether it's a dog bed, floormat, paint tarp or a furniture pad it's gone.
Not going to say a thing to him...........but.............nope............not............a..............thing..............

1 comment:

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

What on earth did he get on it that made it disintegrate like that?