Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Sadie Goat

Sadie is due any day now, huge as a house, I think twins! I was hoping she would have them before I left for vacation but unless she has them tonight I won't be around to see them born. She has been getting out of this nifty goat fence shown in the picture. Guess that shock don't' bother her anymore. (it sure bothered me when I leaned over it and hit it with my chest!) Sadie came from the zoo so I don't know how old she is but she sure is smart, smart enough to get out of the fence, smart enough to avoid capture and smart enough not to sleep under my brother's truck anymore since he ran her over the other morning. (she's fine just scared of trucks now)
No goats don't eat tin cans but someone thought she would like a beer can on the 4th of July, I didn't get all the trash out of their pen yet this month.

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