Wednesday, September 30, 2009

whats going on part 2

I put this tractor quilt together awhile back knowing I would need a few gifts, if I ever get binding on it and make the matching burp cloth I have planned it will be ready for a new baby....yes I have one in mind who is due this winter, his grandpa would love a tractor baby quilt. Not gonna say who it's for because I have been know to change my mind and give a totally different gift after the baby is born.
This is #4 on my list from the last post, Linda's quilt. She is giving it to a granddaughter for her B-day.

This is #1 from my list, customer quilt. Now all I have to do is get it delivered!
I took a bit of time off from the studio to watch afternoon TV and take a shower, now it's time to finish dinner and head back to the studio.

whats going on today

Not much is going on today around here, two of the kids are home sick with headaches. I wouldn't be surprised if we all had a touch of something going around. Kev is getting ready to pick beans, he don't need my help yet so I'm going to mess around at home and be ready for a call to the field. I have a lot of quilting to do so after starting laundry and dishes I'm heading out to the studio. I think I need to make a list, write it down and keep myself accountable so here it goes...
  1. customer baby quilt
  2. Roseann's wallhanging #1 and #2
  3. Roseann's flannel quilt
  4. Linda's quilt
  5. Maxine's quilts
  6. Anna's B-day present(her B-day is in December)
  7. Turning Twenty Sample
  8. finish crochet purses

I also need to clean my studio so I can get something done out there, it's always the last thing I want to do so it NEVER gets done..........oh well.....

I work Thursday and Friday this week, and Friday night. Saturday I'm taking Sara to see Kristin and watch the children's play she has been working on. Sunday I head to Co. Bluffs, so today is it for home stuff. OK off I go..........

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday work

Spent the day getting ready for Fall, this is all the wood we had from last year. It's time to start cutting and stacking again. We have 3 wood stoves at our house and Mike and Lisa have 1 so there is alot of wood to be cut around here.

The guys moved both chicken houses and the new Bee shed. I gave all my rabbits to Kelsey and Helena so after they loaded up all the cages they set the chicken houses where the cages used to be behind the house. Sara is thrilled the rabbits are gone, she is tired of taking care of them.

And last but not least the swing set has found a new home! I am happy to have it out of the yard after 17 years of moving it around. I wonder if Kristin will notice it's gone.......
No quilting around here lately, just some sewing at work. I am getting behind so this week will be catch up in the studio. Now that I found my camera again maybe I'll remember to post some pics....

Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer's end

Summer is ending, Autumn is in the air today. The fields are turning gold and brown, harvest is starting this week and there is a chill in the air. I love this time of year, love to see the changes in the fields and love to snuggle into a sweater. I am going to miss my sandals(ok I wear them till November usually) and sleeping on the porch in the hammock during thunderstorms at night.
I am not looking forward to hauling beans this year, heck I still have 3 loads of corn to take to town this week!
I am looking forward to having my kitchen cleaned up and canning supplies put away for the year, after 3 buckets of cucumbers today I might be able to do that....
I am also looking forward to finishing up a few Christmas presents I have started, once I get pic's I will show them off here.
I am also looking forward to finally finishing my bedroom, I know I should of had it done two weeks ago but life got in the way...again! I am working on closets today and laundry, ugh!
I am teaching a Turning Twenty workshop next Saturday at work, it's an easy sewing day with tips on how to pick fabric's and how to chain everything so it goes quick! I have two samples made and I love making them because of the different fabrics and speed!
Well I'm gonna get busy..........

Thursday, September 10, 2009

not much going on here

Not much going on here right now, pretty boring actually...I did get a few things quilted this week, no pic's yet. I counted my Project Pink quilts for Heartstrings Yahoo Group and I have 5 left to quilt in various stages of completion. I think I'm going to take them to my quilt group and get a little help finishing them up. I really want them done before October is over!
I am taking quilt frames to Neligh for a show, so if your in Northeast Ne. check it out on Saturday at the Legion Club.
I work Friday and Saturday at the quilt shop, looking forward to that, I miss not being there more than once a week now.....
Kev is taking me away Saturday afternoon, no idea where, just away......he said since we didn't go away for Valentines, our anniversary or anywhere this summer it was time to run off. Heck I didn't think he kept track of holidays or special days, what a softy under that grumpy shell.
I worked on my bedroom yesterday, moving furniture, dusting, sorting. I'm shocked on how much dirt those two dogs bring in!!! I have closets to do yet and hang all my stuff back on the walls. (the Goodwill pile is getting bigger) I have had a problem with the way I wanted it to look for the last year in there so I never finished it. (to much HGTV) I have now decided to make it comfy and use my favorite stuff in there, no showcase room for me! So I have a basket for magazines and books beside my bed, a good reading lamp and a large TV! I am going to hang my wedding pic's on the wall and my old mirror that I want to edge with seashells since the frame got busted up. I will add my grandma's shells to some candle holders left over from graduation decorations for in there too. I piled all my quilts in a basket and set my throw pillows on top of them in a corner, that way I can enjoy the quilts and if I ever want those pillows on the bed they are close and easy to reach. The only thing about moving my room around is that Sadie wouldn't sleep on my side of the room last night, she slept on Kev's side(on his pants he left beside the bed) not sure she's really happy that I threw her favorite pillow away and gave her a clean one.
So today I go set quilt frames and work on closets in my room.............

Thursday, September 3, 2009

just a little sewing

I have done a little sewing in the last few weeks, but with my binding fairy AWOL not to much is getting totally finished. I did get the quilt that May from Heartstrings sent me for charity quilted. I am making the small quilt into a pillow to match the quilt. I love scrappy quilts!
I started this baby quilt a year and a half ago, it's ready for binding also.

I made this baby quilt out of flannel so it's nice and cozy, no binding here either.............

AND tonight I whipped up these fun pillows for Josh, his B-day is the end of October. I quilted the front (dice side) and the back is minky. I bought the pillows at the Goodwill, they were brand new in the plastic so I snatched them up thinking they would be good for Kristin's dorm but when I found the dice fabric they quickly got turned into Josh pillows. They will look great on his couch downstairs and comfy to nap on also.
I got 3 customer quilts quilted today also, think Christmas!!! ugh!!!


Last weekend we weaned our colt Surprise. (yes everyone but me hates his name....I call him Baby Surprise!!!) Kev got the halter on him and leads him around the yard everyday, he is in a little pen in my in-laws yard right now. I go check on him and pet him at least twice a day and Kev messes with him after work. I think he's gonna be a sweetheart when he gets over being mad....he wants his mommy!