Friday, January 8, 2010


The drifts were high as you can see. Sara and I tromped around a bit this morning.
The pigs, goat and chickens are doing fine. Sadie Goat is going to have babies any time, we are going to put her in the other chicken house to keep the babies safe when they are born.

The stupid ducks made it thru just fine. I still don't understand why they have to sleep in the middle of the driveway.

This is our new addition to the family as of last night. Kevin was looking out the window last night before heading to bed and this goat was out behind the tractor. He thought at first it was a cat with her, nope, it was this sweet little baby girl. We went out and got her, looked for another(only found one) and brought her in to warm up. Kev and Brian started a fire in their wood shop and made a goat pen beside the stove. Then we had to get the momma out from under my studio, Brian ended up crawling under and scaring her out. All this at 1:00 a.m. !!! I am glad to say as of now baby and momma are doing fine.

Hard to take a self pic and look glamorous with a baby goat...........

1 comment:

QuiltinLibraryLady said...

Stupid ducks!! What are they sitting out in the snow for?

Cute baby do have exciting times at your place. I don't know how cold it was at 1am but it couldn't have been fun trying to get a goat out from under the studio. A video might have been nice.........Where were the kids with their new video cameras????